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Aurelia Grozajova IFBB professional bodybuilder

Interview 2005

Questions regarding your first pro contest

What is the biggest problem for the European bodybuilder to turn a pro? (Lack of pro contests in Europe? High cost of participation in the American contests - expenses of the trip and stay in America?)
Maybe the European amateur bodybuilders need more courage to compete with the best bodybuilders. Money can be also problem for some bodybuilders.
How do you feel about atmosphere in the pro contest compared to the amateur contests? Is knowledge of language an important problem for the European pro going to America?
I felt fantastic at the pro contest. There was released atmosphere at the backstage. The professional competitors were not nervous as opposite to amateur competitors. The officials were very friendly and welcoming and they tried to help each competitor. The European bodybuilders do not need to speak fluent English but it is necessary to know basics of the English language.
What is the main difference between the amateur and pro woman bodybuilding competitors? Your impression round by round (physic assessment, routine, posedown)
The female professional competition of bodybuilders includes four rounds. At the beginning the competitors were introduced one by one and each competitor did all mandatory poses alone (female professional bodybuilders have seven poses). The first round was symmetry turns (the same poses as figure competitors). The second round was muscular comparison (seven mandatory poses). Of course each round comprised callouts. The third round was the final and it was the routine. This round was a big surprise for me because the female bodybuilders were allowed to costumes and props. The fourth round was the final comparison of the best three competitors.
Pro bodybuilders may legally use most of the drugs (excluding narcotics, diuretics and stimulants like ephedrine). Are not you afraid of competing with these competitors? How do you assess your chance of winning?
I have no experience with doping and I don't want to have any. It is a personal thing whether you like to win with the support of doping. I would not choose this way as I do not believe that women taking usually man hormones can reach address to men by weapons that she lost long time ago. Therefore I am not afraid of competing in professional division and the time will show my chance.
Do you think the use of drugs made a bigger difference at the sport level between the amateur and pro bodybuilders?
I do not think so.
After your first pro contest, what do you think is the most important to be successful in women’s pro bodybuilding? Muscle mass, quality, overall proportions, good routine? Are there any bigger differences in judging criteria?
I think all of that is important for success in pro bodybuilding but the routine is not the most important part of pro competition. Routine is first of all the show for audience. For example I was not allowed to number on my swimsuit. I think the judging criteria are the same.
What do you have to improve in your physique in order to compete successfully against current pros?
I try to come to each competition in better sport form.
Is there any chance to earn bigger money in women’s pro bodybuilding, especially for someone from Europe?
I do not know because I took part only in one competition in pro up to now.
How are you going to use your pro career to promote yourself in your country, in Europe? Will it make your live easier; will it create better possibilities for you?
Participation in pro has made me more famous in my country but I have to use the possibilities, which are offered me.
Do you think we need a pro contest in Europe? Why not so many European pro bodybuilders compete in USA, why is it so difficult to move to the top there?
It would be great to compete in Pro in Europe and I hope that European promoters arrange some competition in Europe in the future. I do not know why it is difficult to be top for Europeans but for example the European female bodybuilder won Charlotte pro.
What are your plans for the nearest future (for 2006)? How many contests do you want to participate in?
It depends on the date of competition. I plane to take part in three competitions one in spring and two in autumn.

Do you have any sponsors? Do you need more sponsors? How could the EBFF support European pro bodybuilders? (Interviews, TV coverage, magazines, website, guest posing?)

Currently I have sponsors but more sponsors could help me do my preparation for competition better. I think EBFF could help mainly with publicity on TV and magazines.
You are a tall girl. Who is your woman bodybuilding idol or role model? What do you think will be your ultimate bodyweight in pro BB?
When I started to train regularly my bodybuilding idol was Sandy Riddell. I do not know where the limits of my body are and I will try to add some muscles every year.
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