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Aurelia Grozajova IFBB professional bodybuilder

Nutrition 2

   The principle of all diets is to get rid of certain amount of fat. The result of the diet should be beautiful, healthy-looking body, without redundant fat. Person should not look as though just having left the hospital. The problem is the diet is often understood as no eating or eating as little as possible. According to my experience, if the person under diet should look healthy, one should keep to two basic rules: to have strong discipline and to eat regularly in order not to be hungry. Some of advises of called experts are for example to leave out the dinner or to drink instead of eating. I believe these opinions are non-sense. I have several reasons for that. The only way is to eat regularly and appropriately to the physical activities. This approach secures the person will not feel hungry and at the same time will be able to reduce redundant fat (my interval between meals is 2-2.5 hours).

   The first step includes the analysis of taken food in order to reduce maximally the amount of fat. This cannot be done exactly, but the first reaction of the body on reduction of fat is motivating. The second step should be the analysis of the amount of carbohydrates that should be appropriate to individual metabolism and physical activity. If the body gets used to reduced intake of carbohydrates and stops using of fat supplies as a source of energy I continue to reduce carbohydrates in order to start using own fat supplies as a source of energy again. This secures reduction of weight. For me, however, it is also important to assess correctly the time of starting the diet, so that the ideal sports form would not come too soon or too late. I try to set my diet so as to lose maximally 1 kg a week.

   The problem for those who want to look healthy is to secure keeping muscles after exhausting training. In order to prevent this, it is good to take amino acids such arginine, ornitine, glutamine, or the BCAA. Despite my experience, I had some problems with the diet recently. Low intake of fibers during the day and on the other hand high intake of proteins necessary for keeping the muscles caused irregular bowel movement. Recently I found a medicine for that - the garlic. In the last meal I include several cloves of garlic containing soluble fibers inulin. I was very happy to realize that all the problems were gone.

   At the end I'd like to mention one problem I know about, although I have no experience with it. It is the failure to keep the diet, which is violation of the basic rule. The body reacts by storing the fat and the process of loosing of the weight will last several days longer. If the person is healthy and has motivation, there is no reason for violating diet.

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